凍未著怎麼唱? 凍未著歌詞!
I gotmy mind made up,this is the way I'm gonna flo
2 the Deep House,U ain't never heard before
4 my funky Asian brothers 'n homeboys.everytime I ,屏東縣九如鄉崁頂街超市優惠,make some noise
The floor's gonna be jammin' ,filled with girls' booties slammin'
This is how we do it ,check it out baby dont stop it
never know how much I loved it ,baby,take the bass and shove it
DJ jerry 's in the house ,party people check it out
The boom-boom time is right now,cuz booty makes me 凍未著
1-2-3-4 get your booty on the floor
party on ,party people let's begin ,
cuz the party dont start 'til y'all get in
my house ....,彰化縣福興鄉橋頭巷超市優惠&,台中市大肚區中沙路玩具哪裡買,#44;so get on down ,,苗栗縣苗栗市新東街超市優惠,
party peoply get ready to rock the town
cuz ugly fat chix 我不要
cuz fat c,花蓮縣瑞穗鄉七賢路玩具哪裡買,hix 讓我凍未著

特別幫大家整理 凍未著影評

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